Dracaena ‘Janet Craig’ is an excellent indoor plant. If you don’t consider yourself a green thumb, this may be the plant for you! Prized for its deep green glossy foliage, ‘Janet Craig’ is tough and adaptable. Like other forms of the ‘Cornstalk’ Dracaena, this cultivar will grow in part sun outdoors, as well as in heavy shade or indoors. Compared to other indoor choices, this robust plant is much less susceptible to leaf drop or damping off.
Very easy to care for. Choose a bright spot, close to a window if grown indoors. If grown outside, ‘Janet Craig’ can be adapted to part sun or dappled shade. Will not tolerate frost or prolonged cold conditions. Regular fertilizing with products such as Troforte and Organic Link will produce lush, glossy growth.
Compact form of Janet Craig