Watermelon Peperomia is a sought-after species for indoors or shaded areas outdoors. It has large round leaves with a stripe pattern that resembles the skin of a watermelon. Petioles are a deep red colour. Plants will form a small clump 30-40cm tall, and may send up new plants from the base.
This plant is easy to grow if you get the positioning right. They like bright conditions, but won’t tolerate much direct sun. Grow near a window indoors, or in filtered sun outdoors. Watermelon Peperomia is vulnerable to rotting off if kept too wet. This problem is exacerbated when lighting is insufficient, as the plant isn’t able to use the water to grow with. Allow to dry out somewhat between watering.
Watermelon Peperomia suffers few pest and disease issues if kept in proper conditions. You may experience some mealybug over summer, which is easily treated if caught early. As mentioned above, rotting off is the biggest problem with this plant. Watch watering, ensure it’s kept in bright conditions!
Like other peperomia species, Watermelon Peperomia doesn’t like the cold. Give them shelter when conditions are expected to be under 10°.
Remove spent leaves as required. Watermelon Peperomia likes to be slightly pot bound, don’t repot too early. Does best in rich, well-drained soil. Use quality fertilizer such as Troforte or Organic Link regularly to produce strong, healthy growth.
Decorative watermelon-like leaves.
Watermelon Peperomia at Cairns Botanic Gardens